0131 5106930
[email protected]
Lorem Ipsum

Registered Day Service
Our day service offers a comfortable, welcoming centre for members to enjoy the company of others, to maintain skills and encourage community integration. We promote good conversations and member participation which allows us to offer a range of activities to meet our members emotional, mental and physical needs.

As well as our regular in house activities, members are taken out on trips of their choice. Members have a variety to choose from.
Our Objective

Our Objective
CiC aims to provide a nurturing service which encourages our members to feel involved in their local community and socialise with their peers. We want members to feel supported to continue to live independently and achieve positive outcomes.

Phonelink Edinburgh
Phonelink is a free telephone morning and evening check call service for over 60's funded by Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership.
Caring in Craigmillar

Our Ethos
Our ethos is to promote the health, social welfare and safety of our members, and to provide a stimulating service which encourages our members to achieve positive outcomes
Find Us
Contact Details
Niddrie Mains Terrace
EH16 4NX
Tel: 0131 5106930
Email: [email protected]